Flights in your area

Flights in your area

The animation below shows your area relative to the airports in the Perth area as well as:

  • Flights Paths Near Your Area – the map shows the main flight paths used by aircraft operating at Perth airport and highlights the flight paths that are near your suburb.
  • Typical Flights Near Your Area – the map also shows actual flights on a typical busy day when the airport is operating in North Flow in the morning and South Flow in the afternoon.   Flights near your area are highlighted.


  • you can replay the animation sequence by clicking the play icon in the top right corner of the map
  • arriving flights are shown in red and departing flights are in green
  • if no flight paths are highlighted it means that the common flight paths do not come near your area
  • if no flights are highlighted it means that the sample of typical flights did not include flights near your area
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