How does Perth Airport work with the community to manage aircraft noise?

Perth Airport believes a key component of effective aircraft noise management is communication and community engagement.

Currently, there are several forums that provide the opportunity for community representatives to engage with Perth Airport.

We actively participate in the Perth Airports’ Municipalities Group (PAMG) which includes all Local Government authorities whose communities have an interest in the Airport.  The PAMG has proven to be an important means of engagement with local communities for over 30 years.

The Perth Airport Community Forum (PACF, formerly Community Aviation Consultation Group) works collaboratively to recognise and enhance:

  • the long-term sustainability and growth of Perth Airport,
  • our reputation as a responsible corporate citizen within the local and broader community, and
  • our role as a major economic contributor for Western Australia.

The Planning Coordination Forum (PCF) is a mechanism to foster high-level strategic discussions between the airport, the Commonwealth, State and Local Government representatives to promote better planning outcomes in relation to development of the airport in the context of the broader urban setting.

The Perth Aircraft Technical Noise & Environment Working Group (PANTWG), formerly the Perth Airport Aircraft Noise Management Consultative Committee, contributes to the successful management of the impact of aircraft noise.

The Airport Consultative Environment & Sustainability Group (ACES) brings together the major tenants on the Perth Airport estate and Government and environmental groups to inform and discuss relevant updates on development projects.

In addition to Perth Airport’s regular and ongoing engagement with communities through their elected representatives and other forums, Perth Airport reviews their Master Plan every five years which includes consultation with communities. For further information click here.

How has the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) changed?

The Airports Act 1996 requires Perth Airport to review the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) in association with the Master Plan review every 5 years.  ANEF noise contours can change between Master Plans as inputs to the modelling process, such as the aircraft mix and the distribution of aircraft movements by runway, flight path and time of day, are updated to reflect new information.

Since the 1984 Master Plan, ANEF noise contours have been produced for Perth Airport which include provision for the development of a new runway.

The interactive display below illustrates the evolution of the Perth Airport ANEF since the 1984 Master Plan. In addition, you can also learn how the current composite ANEF was developed from two Australian Noise Exposure Concepts (ANECs).

For background information on ANEF or ANEC noise contours click here.

How was the current ANEF developed?

Perth Airport has adopted a ‘composite’ Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) which reflects a combination of two Australian Noise Exposure Concepts (ANEC) that are based on potential future operating modes.

The ‘composite’ ANEF is created by taking the worst case (outer contour lines) of the two ANECs.

The first ANEC reflects the existing runway system,
considers future extensions of the main (03/21) and cross
runway’s (06/24) and looks at when this operating mode would
reach capacity. This ANEC provides a capacity of approximately
190,000 aircraft movements per annum which is the maximum
movements on this system.
The second ANEC (ANEC 2) is based on the long-term airfield
layout including the construction of the proposed new runway
(03R/21L) parallel to the existing main runway (03L/21R), which
is subject to approval. This scenario can accommodate
approximately 362,000 annual aircraft movements and is
consistent with the anticipated level of activity once the airport is
again starting to reach capacity during the peak periods.

For background information on ANEF or ANEC noise contours click here.

What does the current ANEF look like?

Understanding the ANEF

The interactive display below allows you to view the current Perth Airport Ultimate Capacity Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) noise contours for Perth Airport.

You can also compare and highlight the differences between the current ANEF noise contours and the previous ANEF associated with the 2009 and 2014 Master Plans.

For background information on ANEF or ANEI noise contours click here.

To download a PDF copy of the endorsed ANEF click here (13.6MB).