How will the new runway change where aircraft fly?

The New Runway
The opening of the new runway will introduce new flight corridors.  This tool shows flight corridors today near your area and how this will change once the new runway opens.


  • replay the map sequence by clicking the play icon in the top right corner of the map.
  • arriving flight paths are shown in red and departing flight paths are in green.

How will the new runway change aircraft noise in my area?

How will the N65 Contours change in the future?

The opening of the New Runway and the ongoing growth of the airport will see the number of aircraft overflying any area change over time.

This interactive tool displays your location and the 2016 N65 contours.  The slider bar changes the noise contour based on the number of events per average day over 65db.  It also allows you to compare with the future scenario, either the 2025 or 2045 contour, to see the noise exposure changes in your area.

Click here to learn more about N65 contours

2016 N65 Average Day Contours – compared to the future scenario

How much noise will an aircraft using the new runway make?

This interactive tool allows you to see an estimate of the noise created by an aircraft operating from the new runway.

Use your mouse over the map legend to select a runway, an aircraft type and noise level to display.

Note: Multiple contours represent single event noise contours for multiple possible flight paths.  Flight paths shown are indicative only.

Will aircraft noise affect my health?

A number of research studies have been undertaken to investigate the effect of noise on human health and wellbeing. These studies need to be considered collectively, and in context, if drawing any conclusions about the potential health impacts of aircraft noise.

However, in broad terms, there are planning measures in place around Perth Airport to protect residents from aircraft noise levels that could normally be considered harmful to people’s health.

The New Runway Project Major Draft Development Plan (MDP) studied the impacts on health resulting from operations on the new runway. More detail on this can be found in the draft MDP Volume C: Airspace Management Plan on the new runway website.

To help people understand the impact of aircraft noise on human health and wellbeing, the Western Australian State Government published a brochure with information regarding health impacts. To download a copy of the brochure click here.

When will the new runway be built?

The new runway is planned to be operational between 2023 and 2028 subject to demand and agreement with our airline partners.  Important planning work for the runway project has already commenced and the New Runway Project Major Development Plan has now been released.  To find out more about the key details of the project head to

Based on our analysis and comprehensive interaction with Airservices and airlines, the construction of the new runway is scheduled for completion before the end of next decade, subject to actual demand during the period.

Consultation with airlines on the timing and design of the new runway is now largely complete.  We are currently undertaking extensive community consultation on the new runway project, details of this can be found at  Upon completion of the community consultation period, approvals will be sought in accordance with the Airports Act 1996.  An additional period of approximately four to five years will be required to construct the new runway, assuming approvals are granted.