Understanding aircraft noise
Welcome video
Understanding aircraft noise
How does Perth Airport operate?
Why do aircraft fly where they do?
What are typical aircraft operating at Perth Airport?
What is noise?
Will aircraft noise affect my health?
Managing aircraft noise
Who is responsible for aircraft noise management?
What are Perth Airport and industry doing to manage the impacts of aircraft noise?
How does Perth Airport work with the community to manage aircraft noise?
How is aircraft noise measured
How has the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) changed?
How was the current ANEF developed?
What does the current ANEF look like?
What are ‘Number Above’ noise contours?
What are noise abatement procedures?
Will future technologies improve the impact of aircraft noise in my area?
Noise today
Where do aircraft fly today?
Flights in your area
Why do aircraft fly near me?
Why do aircraft fly near me?
Why do aircraft fly near me?
Why do aircraft fly near me?
How many days do aircraft fly near me?
When do they fly?
How high are they?
What am I likely to hear?
How much noise does a single aircraft make?
Monitoring aircraft noise
Noise from engine testing
Future noise
Why does the airport need a new runway?
How will the new runway operate?
How will this change where planes fly?
How much noise will an aircraft using the new runway make?
Your Location
Print a summary of noise in your area
How will the new runway change where aircraft fly?
How will the new runway change aircraft noise in my area?
Frequently asked questions
What can I do to reduce the impact of aircraft noise inside my home?
Where will the new runway be located?
When will the new runway be built?
Why does Perth Airport operate 24/7?
Thinking of buying in the area?
Does Perth Airport have a noise insulation scheme?
Does the airport affect development on my land?
Why are aircraft overflying my home when I do not live under a flight path?
Why are aircraft allowed to overfly my home so low?
Why am I suddenly getting more aircraft overflying my house than previously?
Where can I find more information about aircraft noise and its management?
What about noise from military aircraft?
How can I report aircraft noise?